Saturday, September 22, 2007

About Twentieth Century Musings

This book is intended to convey to many people the need for world unity. The need today is thought, not just vague feeling, about the future of man as such. Such thought, however, must be rooted in a growing feeling of concern for the entire race. (Not difficult if you give more than a moment's thought to the situation we are, more and more commonly, involved in.) Nations respond to the situations by demanding hydrogen bombs for their separatist protection. People must respond to this response by separating themselves, first in thought, then in action, from the nations they belong to by certain definite practices and programs. They must think: “We are all in the same boat. The salvaging of the boat is up to me.” And implementations will begin to bloom as the will and realization of this grows...

If there was ever the need to be clear, it is now.

We have begun to climb a cliff, and have no means of getting down, and seemingly no means of going forward. And yet we must. And it is unclear what forward, or upward, means.

Upward must mean caring. And it must mean caring about people as such, regardless of race, creed, sex or national origin. But this formula, so long part of our national meaning, must be applied universally. We must begin to sense peoples as units, and to care about those units. We must begin to be acquainted with the earth.

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