Saturday, September 22, 2007

From Twentieth Century Musings

Man is an ability of the Divine to see Itself in frequency or motion.

Fear is the ability of man to mistake a goal for an essence.

What is birth, life, death? It is God's ability to see in mirrored distortion man's ability to see himself.

What is man's relation to Space? The relation of a carrot to a donkey.

What is time's relation to Space? The relation of a boy to a girl.

What is frequency's relation to conductivity-space and relativity-time? The relation of truth to knowledge.

Love is Man's ability to see himself without distortion.

Who am I? Looooooooove -- instinct transformed (by ignorance) to man.

Who am I, essentially? Love eternal and true.

What is contemplation? It is the God-given right to know yourself.

Love is the Universe.

Life is the byproduct of Love.

Peace is a function of Love.

Space is eternal. It is Expansion. Of Love.

To be precise, Space is the byproduct, called Expansion, of "the perfection of Contemplation" called Love.

Time is the byproduct of Man's ability to contemplate motion.

Motion is the ability of man to contemplate himself without knowledge.

Measurement, as we use it, is it not a space-time confusion that prevents knowledge?

Eternity (as immortality) is the perfection of Man's ability to contemplate motion.

Eternity is the All transcending Itself.

Love is the ability of Eternity to contemplate motion.

Human life is the motion of God, extending itself in Space through time.

Man is a frequency reflection of the Divine.

Man is a power transcending itself in head and heart through God's will.

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